C O P A D E O R O , S A N T A M A R I A P O L O C L U B , S O T O G R A N D E , S P A I N , A U G U S T 2 0 1 9
MB Polo stormed to victory to secure the trophy in one of the
European season’s most prestigious titles, writes Carolina Beresford
Sotogrande is undoubtedly one of the most
attractive polo destinations in the world.
The 2,500-hectare luxury resort, located
in the municipality of San Roque in the
Spanish province of Cádiz, reaches its
peak in August, when several of the most
impressive polo professionals congregate to
play the high- goal season. Charmed with the
promise of world-class polo fields, golden
beaches, internationally renowned golf
courses and a non-stop social scene, polo
fans and players alike eagerly await the
start of the season at Santa María Polo Club.
The 2019 Torneo Internacional de Verano
was one of the most competitive in recent
years.The lack of quantity in terms of
competing high-goal teams was
compensated for by the inherent quality of
the recognised organisations fighting for the
titles: defending Gold Cup champions La
Indiana, Dos Lunas, Bardon, Brunei, and MB
Polo. Even so, Brunei’s influence was felt in
every facet of the season, with the country’s
royal family represented in both the medium
and high goal: Princess Azemah headed her
organisation in the 14-goal, while in the
20-goal Prince Bahar Jefri commanded
Brunei and Prince Mateen fronted MB Polo.
And they all reigned supreme, claiming three
of the most important titles of the European
season. Princess Azemah’s Brunei won the
medium-goal Gold Cup, Prince Bahar Jefri’s
team secured the high-goal Silver Cup and
MB Polo took the most prestigious title of
them all: the high-goal Gold Cup.
It was not all plain sailing for Prince
Mateen’s organisation, however. Pablo
Mac Donough, the team’s leading
professional, suffered a fall in the
second league game of the Silver Cup and
fractured two ribs, putting him out for the
rest of the season. But MB’s ambitions were