2010 Joe Barry Memorial Cup
2010 Joe Barry Memorial Cup matches between Patagones and Bendabout and an earlier game between The Wanderers/Isla Carroll and Zacara.
2010 Joe Barry Memorial Cup matches between Patagones and Bendabout and an earlier game between The Wanderers/Isla Carroll and Zacara.
Along the Sideboards column reporting on polo in America, primarily in South Florida.
January 11, 2010, Joe Barry Memorial Cup report from the International Polo Club in Wellington, Florida
After receiving 73 applications from young polo players, the USPA selected 24 qualified individuals for the new Team USA program
Semifinals of the 2010 Ylvisaker Cup 20-goal semifinals at the International Polo Club in Wellington
The semifinals of the 2010 Ylvisakeer Cup at the International Polo Club in Wellington, Florida.
Finals of the 2010 Iglehart Cup and the first match in the 2010 Joe Barry Memorial Cup
Finals of the 2010 Iglehart Cup at the International Polo club Palm Beach in florida
the final matches of pre-playoff Ylvisaker Cup competition at the International Polo Club in Wellington, Florida
The Royal Salute Maharaja of Jodhpur Golden Jubilee Cup came to a spectacular close last week…
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