期待已久的爱尔兰马具的圣帕特里克节”建立新学校” 在Polo West Cantina取得了良好反响
期待已久的爱尔兰马具的圣帕特里克节”建立新学校” 在Polo West Cantina取得了良好反响
Australia’s only beach polo event, Pinctada Cable Beach Polo 2013, will feature the inaugural Kimberley Challenge as one of the showcase matches of the tournament.
The long-anticipated Horseware Ireland St. Patrick’s Day “Build a New School” Bash at Polo West Cantina was a resounding success
The semifinals of the 2013 Butler Handicap at the International Polo Club in Wellington, Florida.
The British were responsible for introducing many Sports to Argentina, such as cricket, football, rugby, polo, rowing, tennis, golf and hockey
The 2013 USPA Piaget Gold Cup semifinal results from the International Polo Club in Wellington, Florida.
The VI La Aguada Autumn Cup continued today with two games at La Aguada Polo Club, in Open Door, Argentina
The finals of the IPCV March 12-Goal were won today by Jan Pamela in an 8-7 win over Santa Clara at the International Polo club in Wellington, Florida.
The final preliminary rouds of play took place in the 2013 USPA Piaget Gold Cup competition at the International Polo club in Wellington, florida, deciding the semifinalists.
Goose Creek won the consolation match in the IPC March 12-Goal tournament at the International Polo Club in Florida Saturday afternoon.
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