44th Land Rover International Polo Tournament

Dubai and Lechuza Caracas finalists of the INDI Silver Cup in High Goal

Dubai and Lechuza Caracas will contest the final of the INDI Silver Cup in High Goal after winning their respective matches today in the semifinals of the Land Rover International Polo Tournament. 

Dubai defeated RH by 12-7 while Lechuza Caracas beated Dos Lunas A&G Banca Privada by 15-12. They both are into the finals of the first trophy of the season in High Goal. 

Two attractive matches were played this evening on Los Pinos fields, headquarters of Santa María Polo Club, with a crowd overflowing the terraces. 

In the first match, Dubai with Adolfo Cambiaso in a high level, beated a great HR team and achieved a deserved win and the classification to the finals. 

In the second one, a great first half by Lechuza Caracas determined the final outcome. Patron Víctor Vargas, who contributed with three goals, and his squad played three chukkers in a high level. Dos Lunas A&G Banca Privada reacted in the second half and began to shoot, but Lechuza Caracas handled the scoreboard and won by 15-12. 

The great final of the INDI Silver Cup will be played on Friday August 14, at 18:30h, on Los Pinos IV. 

The semifinals for the Bronze Cup were also played today and the classified teams were Ayala Polo Team and Murus Sanctus. 

Ayala beated La Indiana by 12-7 and Murus Sanctus defeated HB by a tied 13-12. 

Ayala and Murus Sanctus will play the finals for the Bronze Cup next Thursday, at 18:30h, on Los Pinos III. 


The last day of the classifications for the Silver Cup in Medium Goal will be played tomorrow with three games on Los Pinos and Río fields. 

At 17:30h on Río II, Bayswater-Sapphire will face Opel-Royal Salute, and on Los Pinos I, Kazak will face Golden Goose. A match with Yaguará and Equus Polo will close the day on Los Pinos II. 



The Valecuatro Silver Cup in Low Goal also plays tomorrow its last day of classifications. 

El Cañal will face Opel-John Smith at 11:00h on Puente de Hierro. At the same time, but on Field II, Santa Quiteria will face Valdeparras Lynx. Mahra Polo Team and GSA will play at 12:30h on Field I.