6th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup

6th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup: 
Team line-ups are set

Ibiza Polo Club
Ibiza (POLO+10 – 13/08/2015) – From 13-16 August 2015, the 6th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup takes place at Ibiza Polo Club. For the Men Tournament sponsored by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, six men teams including polo players from many different nations such as Argentina, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Dubai (UAE), England, the US, Iran and the Netherlands have announced their attendance. There will also be a Women Tournament sponsored by Fashion TV, including three ladies teams fighting for victory. 

Ibiza’s climate allows you to play almost all year round, although the summer season is always unique. In addition to the worldwide recognized tournament played at the club, “Ibiza Beach Polo” – which celebrates its sixth edition this year – Ibiza Polo Club presents a complete tournament schedule which welcomes many of the best world polo players, and is supported by the most important brands. The club offers a wide variety of tournaments for all levels and handicaps, such as mixed tournaments, women’s polo, etc. always surrounded by a very friendly and familiar atmosphere. And remember that, in Ibiza Polo Club, the entrance is free. 

6th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup: 13-16 August 2015

Men Tournament sponsored by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

6 Men Teams:

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Polo Team
1) Ricky Mershad 2 (US)
2) Luis Iglesias 2 (ES)
3) Marianela Castagnola 4 (ARG) 

ME Ibiza Polo Team
1) André Spillmann 1 (CH)
2) Charles Randquist 2 (SWE)
3) Papo Ballester 5 (ARG) 

HV Polo Team
1) Anita Korff 1 (NL)
2) Brian Reynolds 2 (GB)
3) Chizo Müller 5 (ARG) 

Scholl Media Polo Team
1) Albert Scholl 2 (GER)
2) Román Fortunato 2 (ARG)
3) Federico Sequeira 4 (ARG) 

Ibiza Style Polo Team
1) Cesar Randquist 0 (SWE)
2) Gabriel Iglesias Jr. 1 (UAE)
3) Gabriel Iglesias 5 (ARG) 

POLO+10 Polo Team
1) Thomas Wirth 1 (GER)
2) Hormoz Verahramian 2 (IR)
3) Agustín Arestizábal 5 (ARG)

3 Cups:
– Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Cup
– Air Europa Cup
– ME Ibiza Cup

Women Tournament sponsored by Fashion TV

3 Ladies Teams:

Fashion TV Polo Team
1) Cristina Rodríguez Pujol 1 (ES)
2) Barbara Hochuli 1 (CH)
3) Marianela Castagnola 6 (ARG) 

Hierbas de Ibiza Polo Team
1) Lucia Nocioni 0 (ARG)
2) Gabriel Iglesias Jr. 1 (UAE)
3) Laura Müller 5 (A) 

Air Europa Polo Team
1) Anita Korff 2 (NL)
2) Ángela Walker 4 (GB)
3) TBA 4

2 Cups:
– Fashion TV Cup
– Hierbas de Ibiza Cup

Schedule 6th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup

Thursday, 13th August
8:30 pm Press conference
9:30 pm Welcome Party & Team Shirt Presentation

Friday, 14th August
5:30 pm Opening of the reception desk for VIPs, guest and media
6:00 to 6:30 pm League Match 1
6:30 to 7:00 pm League Match 2
7:00 to 7:30 pm Fashion Show
7:30 to 8:00 pm League Match 3
8:00 to 8:30 pm League Match 4
8:30 pm After Polo Party
9:30 pm Inauguration Polo Cocktail at ME IBIZA (by invitation only)

Saturday, 15th August
5:30 pm Opening of the reception desk for VIPs, guest and media
6:00 to 6:30 pm League Match 5
6:30 to 7:00 pm League Match 6
7:00 to 7:30 pm Fashion Show & Equestrian Show
7:30 to 8:00 pm League Match 7
8:00 to 8:30 pm League Match 8
8:30 to 9:00 pm Show & After Polo Party

Sunday, 16th August
5:00 pm Opening of the reception desk for VIPs, guest and media
5:30 to 6:00 pm Copa Me Ibiza (Men)
6:00 to 6:30 pm Copa Hierbas de Ibiza (Ladies)
6:30 to 7:00 pm Copa Air Europa (Men)
7:00 to 7:30 pm Fashion Show & Equestrian Show
7:30 to 8:00 pm Copa Fashion TV (Ladies)
8:00 to 8:30 pm Copa Rolls-Royce Motor Cars (Men)
8:30 to 9:00 pm Trophy ceremony
9:00 pm Farewell polo party

Ibiza Polo Club: Further Tournament Schedule 2015

2ª Copa Mexico: 11-13 September
2nd Sunset Polo Cup: 25-27 September
3ª Copa Hispanidad: 9-11 October
Torneo de Navidad: 25-27 December
3rd New Year Polo Cup 2016: 1-3 January

You can visit the club in www.ibizapoloclub.es 

Ibiza Beach Polo Cup

Photos: Ibiza Polo Club