6th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup

6th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup: 
Ibiza Beach Polo at its best

Ibiza Polo Club
Ibiza (POLO+10 – 19/08/2015) –
 The sixth edition of the Ibiza Beach Polo Cup once again attracted players from many different nationalities to Ibiza Polo Club, located in the heart of Ibiza. The participants came from Argentina, Sweden, Spain, Malaysia, Germany, Dubai (UAE), England, the US, Iran and the Netherlands. Six teams competed against each other in the Men Tournament sponsored by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. In the Women Tournament sponsored by Fashion TV, which was held at the same time, three female teams fought for victory.

In the final of the Men Tournament, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Polo Team, including Ricky Mershad (+2), Robert Kofler (+2) and Marianela Castagnola (+4), defeated HV Polo Team, consisting of Anita Korff (+1), Brian Reynolds (+2) and Chizo Müller (+5) by 6-3 and won the Copa Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. 

In the match for the Copa Air Europa, POLO+10 Polo Team with Thomas Wirth (+1), Hormoz Verahramian (+2) and Agustín Arestizábal (+5) encountered Saskia Karina Bahruddin (+1), Charles Randquist (+2) and Papo Ballester (+5) of ME Ibiza Polo Team. Following a hotly contested match, POLO+10 POLO Team beat their opponent by 5-3 and emerged as winner. 

In the Women Tournament, Fashion TV Polo Team, including Cristina Rodríguez Pujol (+1), Barbara Hochuli (+1) and Marianela Castagnola (+6), took first place. The trio defeated Ángela Walker (+4), Anita Korff (+2) and Saskia Karina Bahruddin (+4) of Air Europa Polo Team by 6-3 and won the Copa Fashion TV. 

Thomas Wirth, POLO+10 Polo Team: “I have to highlight that Gabriel organised the tournament with a lot of love for detail, as well as the great atmosphere among the spectators, but also on the playing field, where we had a fair spirit of competition.” 

The award ceremony took place at sunset in a unique atmosphere. Following this, the players celebrated the successful tournament with a Farewell Polo Party. The 6th Ibiza Beach Polo was sponsored by Rolls Royce Motor Cars, Air Europa, HV Polo, Fashion TV, Herbs from Ibiza, Ibiza Hotel Me, POLO+10, Ibiza Style, PoloMode and Scholl Media.

Results 6th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup

Copa Rolls Royce Motor Cars

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Polo Team vs. HV Polo Team   6-3

Copa Fashion TV
Fashion TV Polo Team vs. Air Europa Polo Team   6-3

Copa Air Europa
POLO+10 Polo Team vs. ME Ibiza Polo Team   5-3 

Copa ME Ibiza
Ibiza Style Polo Team vs. Scholl Media Polo Team   5-3 

Copa de Hierbas de Ibiza
Hierbas de Ibiza Polo Team 

Ranking 6th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup

Men Tournament sponsored by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

#1 Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Polo Team
1) Ricky Mershad 2 (US)
2) Robert Kofler 2 (A)
3) Marianela Castagnola 4 (ARG) 

#2 HV Polo Team
1) Anita Korff 1 (NL)
2) Brian Reynolds 2 (GB)
3) Chizo Müller 5 (ARG) 

#3 POLO+10 Polo Team
1) Thomas Wirth 1 (GER)
2) Hormoz Verahramian 2 (IR)
3) Agustín Arestizábal 5 (ARG)

#4 ME Ibiza Polo Team
1) Saskia Karina Bahruddin 1 (MY)
2) Charles Randquist 2 (SWE)
3) Papo Ballester 5 (ARG) 

#5 Ibiza Style Polo Team
1) Cesar Randquist 0 (SWE) / Leo Iglesias 0 (ES)
2) Gabriel Iglesias Jr. 1 (UAE)
3) Gabriel Iglesias 5 (ARG) 

#6 Scholl Media Polo Team
1) Albert Scholl 2 (GER)
2) Román Fortunato 2 (ARG)
3) Federico Sequeira 4 (ARG) 

Women Tournament sponsored by Fashion TV

#1 Fashion TV Polo Team
1) Cristina Rodríguez Pujol 1 (ES)
2) Barbara Hochuli 1 (CH)
3) Marianela Castagnola 6 (ARG) 

#2 Air Europa Polo Team
1) Anita Korff 2 (NL)
2) Ángela Walker 4 (GB)
3) Saskia Karina Bahruddin 4 (MY)

#3 Hierbas de Ibiza Polo Team
1) Lucia Nocioni 0 (ARG)
2) Gabriel Iglesias Jr. 1 (UAE)
3) Laura Müller 5 (A) 

Ibiza Polo Club: Further Tournament Schedule 2015

2nd Copa Mexico: 11-13 September
2nd Sunset Polo Cup: 25-27 September
3rd Copa Hispanidad: 9-11 October
Torneo de Navidad: 25-27 December
3rd New Year Polo Cup 2016: 1-3 January

You can visit the club in www.ibizapoloclub.es