Qualifying Tournament – Day 2

At the Alfredo Lalor Venue in Pilar, the second date of the Qualifying Tournament for the Remonta and Veterinary Cups was held on Wednesday 10/16, which awards two places for the 131st HSBC Argentine Polo Open.


The results were as follows:


Zone A

La Matera 12, La Ensenada 11and La Zeta Kazak 18, La Esquina 11.

Guille Terrera’s team won an incredible game. They entered the last chukker trailing by three, equalized the score and were without Santos Merlos, one of the best of the match, who had a cramp. Cubi Toccalino entered in his place, and in the first ball he touched, at 14 seconds, he gave LM the second victory in the tournament, which leaves them with a great chance of playing in the Argentine Open. For its part, the LE team was left out of the fight to enter the 131st HSCB Open.

Ellerstina achieved a great victory, controlling the match from start to finish with a well-oiled team game, to eliminate its rival and be in a position to play a great final against La Matera for the qualification to the Argentino Abierto.

Zone B

La Aguada 19, La Irenita II 16; and La Irenita Clinova 11, La Dolfina 9.

The Open Door team turned around a match in which they started 0-6 and with 5 consecutive goals in the last quarter – which they scored two goals down – they achieved a great victory to eliminate their rival and have a very good chance of reaching Palermo.

When it seemed that another great decisive match was coming (La Dolfina was leading 9-4 shortly after the start of the sixth set), La Irenita, with a huge passage from Vizcacha Mac Donough, scored seven consecutive goals between the last two sets, turned the game around and despite running out of chances to qualify (in a supposed triple tie the goal difference with their two rivals is not enough), complicated the outlook for the Cañuelas team.

Teams and progressions:

Zone A

La Matera: Guillermo Terrera (h) 8 (1 goal), Valerio Zubiarre (h) 7, Santos Merlos 7 (6, three penalties) (injured, replaced by Ignacio Toccalino 7 -1-, at the beginning of extra time) and Jared Zenni 7 (4, three penalties and one penalty 1). Total: 29.

La Ensenada: Segundo Bocchino 7 (1), Santiago Loza 7 (2), Santiago Cernadas 7 (4, three penalties) and Tomas Beresford 7 (4, one penalty). Total: 28.

La Matera: 0-3, 4-4, 5-6, 6-8, 7-9, 8-11, 11-11 and 12-11.

Judges: Martín Pascual and Gonzalo López Vargas. Arbitrator: Gastón Lucero.

Ellerstina Kazak: Beltrán Laulhé 6 (4), Lorenzo Chavanne 6 (6, two penalties), Nicolás Pieres 8 (5) and Matías Torres Zavaleta 8 (3). Total: 28.

The Corner: Pascual Sáinz de Vicuña 6 (2), Cristian Laprida (h) 8 (5), Lucas James 7 (1) (Received a yellow card in the fifth chukker) and Ignacio Laprida 8 (3, two penalties and one penalty 1). Total: 29.


Ellerstina Kazak: 3-1, 8-3, 11-3, 13-5, 15-5, 17-8 and 18-11.


Judges: Matías Baibiene and Martín Aguerre. Arbitrator: Martín Pascual.



Zone B


La Aguada: Facundo Llosa 7 (10, six penalties) (received two yellow cards in the sixth chukker), Pedro Zacharias 8 (5, one penalty), Felipe Vercellino 7 (3) and Pedro Falabella (h) 7 (1). Total: 29.

The Little Irenita II: Federico Panzillo 7 (6), Juan Jauretche 7 (1) (Received a yellow card in the fourth chukker), Martín Podestá (h) 8 (9, six penalties) and Jacinto Crotto 8. Total: 30.


La Aguada: 1-4, 1-7, 6-7, 9-9, 12-12, 14-16 and 19-16.


Judges: Gastón Lucero and Hernán Tasso. Arbitrator: Martín Aguerre.



The Little Irenita Clinova: Facundo Fernández Llorente 8, Tomás Fernández Llorente (h) 8 (3), Matías Mac Donough (h) 7 (8, six penalties) and Alfredo Cappella Barabucci 8. Total: 31.

La Dolfina: Lucas Criado (h) 7 (2, one penalty), Gonzalo Ferrari 7 (5), Mariano González (h) 7 (1) and Isidro Strada 7 (1). Total: 28.


La Irenita Clinova: 2-1, 2-3, 2-6, 4-7, 4-8, 7-9 and 11-9.


Judges: Guillermo Villanueva Jr. and José I. Araya. Arbitrator: Gonzalo López Vargas.