Opel-Royal Salute wins the Silver Cup in Medium Goal
La Clarita and Opel-John Smith will face tomorrow for the Valecuatro Silver Cup in Low Goal
Opel-Royal Salute is the new champion of the Silver Cup in Medium Goal in the 44th Land Rover International Polo Tournament.
The squad formed by Richard Fagan, Pascual Álvarez, Malcolm Borwick and Santiago Cernadas achieved the victory in the supplementary time and beated Bayswater- Sapphire by 9-8, winning the first trophy in this category.
Opel-Royal Salute and Bayswater-Sapphire played a tied match on Los Pinos III, headquarters of Santa María Polo Club.
As it shows the result, the match was really tied and both teams achieved minimal differences between them during the six regulative chukkers.
With a place penalty, shooted by Malcolm Borwick, Opel-Royal Salute broke the scoreboard and proclaimed his team champion of the Silver Cup.
The mare Saruyini, played by James Cernadas in the first and sixth chukker, was honoured as the best pony of the final.
In addition, Equus was the champion for the Bronze Cup after defeating Kazak by 11-7.
Tomorrow, Sunday 16, the Valecuato Silver Cup will be played in Low Goal.
Opel-John Smith and La Clarita will star in the finals, that will be played on Los Pinos II at 18:30h.
At 17:00h, on Field I, Santa Quiteria and Valdeparras will face for the subsidiary final.