JustWorld Documentary Presented by Horseware

JustWorld Documentary Presented by Horseware


Tom MacGuinness, pictured with his daughter, Lorraine, was presented with a Leg Up Award at the 2015 JustWorld Gala in recognition of he and his family’s incredible, continuous support of JustWorld International.

Longtime JustWorld International supporter, Horseware Ireland, has once again gone above and beyond as a true supporter of the non-profit organization. Just another example of how they are helping the charity to further its outreach was by sponsoring two different videos showcasing JustWorld’s partner project in Guatemala. Los Patojos, the name of the project, was founded by 2014 Top Ten CNN Hero, Juan Pablo Romero Fuentest. The brilliant full-length piece will air on several television channels, including Equidia TV, while the shorter version will be showcased on a multitude of websites and across social media channels in an effort to raise awareness and inspire audiences across the globe. 


Click here to view the documentary


The new school building in Cambodia, made possible largely thanks to the support of the MacGuinness family. 

Now that these moments have been captured on film, supporters can see the tangible effects of raising funds for inspiring projects, such as Los Patojos, that aid children around the world.
The change JustWorld has brought to Los Patojos is undeniable, and JustWorld continues to impress by helping nearly 3,500 children in four different countries. Tom and Carol MacGuinness, founders of Horseware Ireland, along with their daughter Lorraine, have been steadfast supporters of JustWorld International since the beginning. It is due to their longstanding generosity and fundraising that JustWorld’s support has continued to grow, and the projects flourish.


“One thing leads to another, so to speak. JustWorld set forth a chain reaction after our initial visit, allowing us, and others, to see what needs to be done [in other countries, such as] to help rebuild the Cambodian infrastructure. The school [we have helped to fund] is only the beginning of our work, and we plan to keep the momentum. With JustWorld, these children have a chance for a brighter future, and we want to see them succeed. We realized the impact we could make on one country, and we support JustWorld’s efforts across the world.”


The MacGuinness family has worked conscientiously to see JustWorld’s project initiatives succeed. In 2012, they pledged to upgrade the current schools as well as build a new school in Cambodia; today, they continue their support in a multitude of efforts. From donating over 10,000 mosquito nets made from the same material of their signature horse fly sheets, to providing monetary funds to the JustWorld projects, Horseware is a exemplary partner and continues to help JustWorld succeed in its mission of helping children around the world.

Tom MacGuinness at the JustWorld project, PIO, in Cambodia


About JustWorld International

JustWorld International is a not-for-profit, humanitarian organization that funds life-changing education, nutrition, health and hygiene, and leadership and cultural development programs for impoverished children in Cambodia, Honduras, Guatemala, and Colombia.  


JustWorld International is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in the United States and a registered Association 1901 in France. Tax-deductible donations are accepted in Switzerland and JustWorld’s supporters may send their donations to Fondation Philanthropia, a Swiss public-benefit umbrella foundation. Tax-deductible donations are also accepted in Canada. Canadian donors please visit: http://tidescanada.org/support/justworld-international-fund/. JustWorld International has no political or religious affiliation.