Stage Is Set for USPA US Open Polo Championship

Stage Is Set for USPA US Open Polo Championship

Darlene Ricker for Phelps Media Group, Inc. International

The prelude to the 111th US Open Polo Championship started on Thursday, March 19 with the announcement of the bracket lineups and tournament schedule. The event was held at the Seventh Chukker at International Polo Club Palm Beach (IPC).


Tournament play kicks off on the IPC fields Saturday, March 28, with the inaugural game between Orchard Hill and Valiente, followed by Las Monjitas versus Coca-Cola. The tournament continues for three weeks and concludes Sunday, April 19, with the US Open Final.


In a draw party at IPC on Thursday evening, the two brackets were set:


Bracket I      Bracket II                     


1. Orchard Hill5.  Audi


2. Valiente6. FlexJet


3. Las Monjitas7. Lechuza Caracas


4. Coca-Cola8. Alegria Assist Card



The game schedule is:



Saturday, March 28

10 a.m. Orchard Hill vs Valiente Bracket I

4:30 p.m. Las Monjitas vs Coca-Cola Bracket I


Sunday, March 29

10 a.m. Audi vs FlexJet Bracket II

3 p.m. Lechuza Caracas vs Alegria Assist Card Bracket II


Saturday, April 4

10 a.m. FlexJet vs Alegria Assist Card Bracket II

4:30 p.m. Audi vs Lechuza Caracas Bracket II


Sunday, April 5

10 a.m. Orchard Hill vs Las Monjitas Bracket I

3 p.m. Valiente vs Coca-Cola Bracket I


Wednesday, April 8

10 a.m. Orchard Hill vs Coca-Cola Bracket I

4:30 p.m. Valiente vs Las Monjitas Bracket I


Thursday, April 9 

10 a.m. Audi vs Alegria Assist Card Bracket II

4:30 p.m. FlexJet vs Lechuza Caracas Bracket II


Sunday, April 12

10 a.m. Quarterfinal 

3 p.m. Quarterfinal


Wednesday, April 15

2:30 p.m. Semifinal: #1 in Bracket I vs TBA

5 p.m. Semifinal: #1 in Bracket II vs TBA


Sunday April 19

3 p.m. US Open Final


IPC and the USPA have penned a four-year agreement for hosting the USPA US Open Polo Championship, the most prestigious tournament in the United States. The tournament dates back to 1904 where it was first played at Meadowbrook Polo Club in Old Westbury, New York and it has been played at IPC since 2004.

“The best polo is played here,” said Peter Rizzo, CEO of the United States Polo Association. “We look at maximum participation. This is the second-highest rated polo event in the world, 26-goal polo is very difficult to field teams and this venue lends itself perfectly. It is beautiful; the weather is great so we’re excited that it is in the right spot. I’ve been told that within a 20-mile radius, there are about 100 polo fields. Polo is well-rooted into this community.”