Argentina vs Spain

On Sunday, August 18 at 2:00 pm – Argentina Polo will play Spain in a new international Test-Match for the Argentina Embassy Cup, which will be played at Ayala Polo Club, located in Sotogrande.


The national team, whose coach will be the multi-champion Argentine open Bartolomé “Lolo” Castagnola, will once again be made up of two pairs of brothers: Rufino (14 years old) and Beltrán Laulhé (17) – who have just won the Coronation Cup – Lorenzo (16) and Pedro Chavanne (14). Very youthful and talented line-up!


The polo players will play with the handicap they have in Spain – the last champion of the FIP World Cup of 14 goals – and the match will be televised live on Disneý+. Safety pin!



The teams for the Test Match:


Argentina: Pedro Chavanne 2, Rufino Laulhé 4, Lorenzo Chavanne 5 and Beltrán Laulhé 5. Total: 16. Coach: Bartolomé Castagnola.

Spain: Pascual Sáinz de Vicuña 6, Luis Domecq 3, Pelayo Berazadi 5 and Roberto Iturrioz 2. Total: 16. Understudy: Santos Iriarte 2. Coach: Benjamín Araya.