Sunday, August 11, 2024
A big day of polo today at the heart of the Deauville-La Touques racecourse, with two important games: an international women’s match between France and team “Rest of the World”, and the final of the traditional Coupe d’Argent – Trophée Diane Barrière between the Spanish team Marques de Riscal (winners of the Coupe d’Or here in 2020) and the Coupe d’Or holders, the Barrière team captained by Frenchwoman Isabelle Larenaudie.
A 16-goal final that lived up to expectations as it was undecided until the fourth chukker. A very defensive match (only one goal in the fourth period, for example), in which Barrière seemed to have the upper hand, thanks in particular to some golazos from Simon Zavaleta long distance shot. That was until Sapo Caset, the highest-ranked player on the field, a 9-goaler and former finalist in the Argentine Open, took charge of the game: “It was a very tough match,” confirms the Argentine champion. This team (Barrière) is very good, they won the Gold Cup here last year, so they know how to play on this field. It’s a close-knit team that is used to playing together, while for our part, it was our first game with Luis (Aznar, who played a nice pair of passes with his father Alejandro that ended with a goal – editor note), who wasn’t able to play in the first two games. Therefore, I’m very happy with this victory and to lift this Silver Cup here in Deauville. But yes, we were still neck and neck in the last half as we missed quite a few goals early on. Obviously, the key was to score in the last half as there were no other options (laughs).” His reaction earned him the title of most valuable player of the final (MVP), while his mare, Flyer Tomana, who comes from England as all the horses from his string, was voted best Argentinian horse of the match: “She is nearly 9 years old, she arrived from Argentina last year and she just had a great English season, and today she was particularly good.”
“Les Bleues” brave but beaten
The heat was intense on the outskirts of field number 2, but also on it, where the eight players fought a tough, no-holds-barred battle to launch Sunday’s festivities. After a difficult start (0-2 after the first chukker), the French took full control of the match and gave the crowd some great action, in particular a golazo, a well-constructed individual effort from Elena Venot in the third period. However, with three-time Argentine Open champion Millie Hines leading the way, the international team managed to hold on to a two-goal lead (7-5) until the final whistle: “It was a very competitive game, a great 20-goal encounter. Our Rest of the World team was made up of players who hadn’t played together before, although I had played with Milagros Sanchez before, but we really clicked. Playing in France against France is always a challenge, but we had a system that we were able to apply and stick to throughout the game and that was the key to victory.”
… And a narrow defeat for Les Bleues, but a very good women’s game, made possible thanks to Deauville Sports Equestres. This is the kind of match that can only help French women’s polo to progress, and we will see the Venot sisters in Argentina and at the next European Championships.
Now it’s time for the Coupe d’Or, the most prestigious trophy of the Barrière Deauville Polo Cup, which starts on Tuesday, closely followed by the Coupe de Bronze from 15 August (final on 25 August).
Silver Cup Final – Diane Barrière Trophy
Barrière-Tédélou : Isabelle Larenaudie 0 (1 goal), Ramiro Zavaleta 4, Juan-Gris Zavaleta (2 goals) 7 and Simon Zavaleta 6 (3 goals)
Marques de Riscal : Alejandro Aznar 0 (2 goals), Luis Aznar 1 (1 goal), Sapo Caset 9 (4 goals) and Chris MacKenzie 6 (2 goals)
MVP : Sapo Caset (Marques de Riscal)
BPP : Sinatra, 10-year-old grey gelding owned by Alfonso Rubirosa and ridden by Simon Zavaleta (Barrière)
BPP Cria Polo Argentino (best horse from the Argentine polo studbook): Fly Otomana, 9-year-old bay mare, bred by Tanoira and ridden by Sapo Caset (Marques de Riscal)
Progression Marques de Riscal : 2-1 / 3-1 / 4-5 / 5-5 and 9-7
The teams in the women’s match
France : Paloma Lauro 3, Ambre Ploix 4, Pearl Venot 5 et Elena Venot 7
Rest of the world: Mendoza Houben (NED) 0, Milagros Sanchez (ARG) 7, Luisa del Carril (ARG) 5 and Millie Hines (GBR) 8
Highlights :
Bronze Cup: from 12 to 25 August – Final on 25
Gold Cup: from 12 to 25 August – Final on 25 August
The matches take place at the centre of the Deauville-La Touques racecourse. Entrance is via Boulevard Mauger, and once inside the racecourse, access to the fields is on the left.
On racing days, access is subject to set times, which you can find on the Polo Club website every morning. While waiting for the gates to open between races, cars must park in the lane provided.
The Official Village opens 30 minutes before the start of the matches.
Prices 2024
Free parking.
Free admission on weekdays (except 15 August, 10 €),
10 € at weekends and on 15 August.
20 € for the Coupe d’Or final.
Information and booking
+33 (0)6 46 55 58 18 – contact@deauvillepoloclub.com – www.deauvillepoloclub.com
15 rue du Connétable
F-60500 Chantilly
+33 608759407