The Julius Baer Gold Cup 2015 schedule is announced
By Victoria Elsbury-Legg
On Monday 23rd February 2015 – 13th March 2015, the 6th Dubai Polo Gold Cup Series (Dubai Open – 18 goal) continues, as the Julius Baer Gold Cup begins at the Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club. With defending champions Ghantoot ADCB Polo team having won the first in the Dubai Open series – the McLaren Cup, there will be some highly competitive play on the pitch with all teams now focused on the second part of the Gold Cup tournament.
Once again ten international teams will take part, with players including young English player Tom Brodie alongside Diego Cavanagh in Desert Palm 2, Joaquim Pittaluga playing for Rashid Al Habtoor in Mahra Polo and Pablo MacDonough for Amr Zedan in his team – Zedan Polo.
Zone A
Ghantoot ADCB Polo Team
Patron: Nasser AL Shamsi, Felipe Llorente, Hugo Barabuchi and Alejandro Muzzio.
Bin Drai Polo Team
Patron: Saeed Bin Drai, Agustin Canale, Manuel Fernandez Llorente and Raul Laplacette.
Julius Baer Team (Habtoor Polo)
Patron: Mohammed Al Habtoor, Santiago Cernadas, Martin Iturrazpe and Guillermo Cuitino.
Mahra Polo
Patron: Rashid Al Habtoor, Guy Gibrat, Joaquin Pittaluga and Ignacio Gonzalez.
Edrees Polo Team
Patron: Sultan Edrees, Pierre Henri N’Goumou, Tito Ruiz Guinazu jr. and Pablo Llorente jr.
Zone B
Desert Palm 2 Polo Team
Patron: Tariq Albwardy, Tom Brodie, Diego Cavanagh and Matias Torres Zaveleta.
Zedan Polo Team
Patron: Amr Zedan, Martin Gandara, Facundo Fernandez Llorente and Pablo MacDonough.
Abu Dhabi Polo Team
Patron: Faris Al Yabhouni, Felipe Eduardo Martinez Ferairo, Alfredo Capela and Juan Cris Zavaleta.
Desert Palm 1 Polo Team
Patron: Rashid Albwardy, Martin Valent, Facundo Castagnola and Santiago Laborde.
UAE Polo Team
Patron: Her Highness Sheikha Maitha bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Santiago Stirling, Lucas Monterverde and Nacho Acuña.
Fixtures schedule – The Julius Baer Gold Cup – Monday 23rd February 2015 – 13th March 2015
Monday 23rd February
14:30 Ghantoot v Bin Drai
16:30 Edress v Julius Baer (Habtoor Polo)
Tuesday 24th February
14:30 Desert Palm 2 v Zedan
16:30 UAE v Desert Palm 1
Thursday 26th February
14:30 Edress v Ghantoot
16:30 Mahra v Bin Drai
Friday 27th February
14:30 UAE v Desert Palm 2
16:30 Abu Dhabi Polo v Zedan
Saturday 28th February
14:30 Mahra v Edress
16:30 Julius Baer (Habtoor Polo) v Ghantoot
Sunday 1st March
14:30 Abu Dhabi Polo v UAE
16:30 Desert Palm 1 v Desert Palm 2
Tuesday 3rd March
14:30 Julius Baer (Habtoor Polo) v Mahra
16:30 Bin Drai v Edress
Wednesday 4th March
14:30 Desert Palm 1 v Abu Dhabi Polo
16:30 Zedan v UAE
Friday 6th March
14:30 Bin Drai v Julius Baer (Habtoor Polo)
16:30 Ghantoot v Mahra
Saturday 7th March
14:30 Zedan v Desert Palm 1
16:30 Desert Palm 2 v Abu Dhabi Polo
Monday 9th March (Bentley Cup Semi-Finals)
14:30 3rd zone A v 4th zone B
16:30 3rd zone B v 4th zone A
Tuesday 10th March (Julius Baer Semi-Finals)
14:30 1st zone A v 2nd zone B
16:30 1st zone B v 2nd zone A
TBC (Bentley Cup Final)
Friday 13th March (Julius Baer Final)
16:00 TBC v TBC
Regular updates on the event are available at and on Facebook: Dubai Polo Gold Cup and Twitter:@DubaiGoldCup.