Argentine Handicaps

Poroto and Peke

Four players had their handicaps raised to 9 goals. There were two players from LD Polo Ranch, Juan Britos (h) and Guillermo Terrera (h); one from RS Murus Sanctus, Francisco Elizalde; and from  La Natividad Monjitas, Camilo Castagnola.

From 7 to 8, Jerónimo del Carril, Santiago Loza and Isidro Strada were raised; and Adolfo Cambiaso (n) jumped by 2 from 6 to 8.  Segundo Bocchino, Rufino Bensadón, Tomás Beresford, Felipe Dabas, Manuel Elizalde, Mariano González (h) and Facundo Obregón went from 6 to 7.

Pablo Pieres  was lowered from 10 to 9. Julián de Lusarreta, Matías Mac Donough, Frederick Mannix (h), Agustín and Sebastián Merlos, Alejandro Novillo Astrada, Joaquín Pittaluga and Valerio Zubiaurre (h) went from 8 to 7.  Bartolomé Castagnola, Mariano González, Ignacio Heguy, Ricardo Mansur, Luiz P. Martins Bastos and Juan I. Merlos, were lowered from 7 to 6.

In total, the modifications that will take effect as of January 1, 2021 were 199, of which 114 correspond to increases and 85 to decreases, in accordance with the provisions of the Board of Directors at its meeting on Monday 12/21, chaired by Eduardo Novillo Astrada (h).

If you want to see all the changes, click HERE


The Board of Directors of the AAP also established the modifications in the valuations of 17 players (16 increases and 1 decrease), which will be effective as of January 1, 2021, after the resolution in March 2010, where an exclusive handicap was established for women only for use in women’s tournaments.

The most important rises belong to the double champion of the IV HSBC Women’s Open presented by Cremas Caviahue, El Overo Z7 UAE, since Clara Cassino , rose from 8 to 9; While Millie Hine went from 5 to 7. In addition, Sol López Llames rose from 6 to 7.

To see the complete list of changes for women –  click HERE