Facundo Pieres once again achieved maximum valuation, being promoted from 9 to 10 goals handicap. the American Hope Arellano went from 9 to 10.
Once again, Argentine polo has eight polo players with the highest value: Adolfo and Poroto Cambiaso, Barto and Jeta Castagnola, Pablo Mac Donough, Juan M. Nero, Facu Pieres and the Uruguayan Pelón Stirling. Will there be an 80-goal final in 2024?
Meanwhile, from 8 to 9 , Jero del Carril was promoted; from 7 to 8, Carlos M. Ulloa, Lucas Monteverde (h), Victorino Ruiz Jorba, Cruz Heguy, Teodoro Lacau, Jacinto Crotto and Martín Podestá (h); and finally, from 6 to 7, Gonzalo Ferrari, Bautista García, Lucas Criado (h), Antonio Heguy, Federico Panzillo, Matías Mac Donough (h), Simón Prado and Santos Merlos were promoted.
On the other hand, among the most significant casualties are those of Nicolás Pieres, Guillermo Terrera (Jr.) and Alejo Taranco, who dropped from 9 to 8 goals handicap; those of Isidro Strada, Miguel Novillo Astrada and Santiago Toccalino from 8 to 7; and those of Frederick Mannix (Jr.), Salvador Ulloa, Aluisio Villela Rosa, Jaime García Huidobro and Genaro Ringa, from 7 to 6.
The modifications will be effective as of January 1, 2024, in accordance with the provisions of the Board of Directors at its meeting on Wednesday, 6/12, chaired by Delfín Uranga.
WOMEN’S Handicaps
The AAP Board of Directors also established the modifications in the valuations of 34 players (27 increases and 7 departures), which will be effective as of January 1, 2024, after the resolution in March 2010, where an exclusive handicap for women was established only to be used in women’s tournaments.
The most important increase belongs to the champion of the VII Women’s Open presented by Cremas Caviahue, El Overo Z7 UAE, as the American Hope Arellano climbed from 9 to 10. Meanwhile, Milagros Sánchez and Catalina Lavinia were promoted from 7 to 8; and Maitena Marré, from 6 to 7.
The complete list of increases and decreases of Polo FEM is as follows:
9 to 10: Hope Arellano.
7 to 8: Catalina Lavinia and Milagros Sánchez.
6 to 7: Maitena Marré.
4 to 5: Bianca Pagano
3 to 4: Celina Fernández Ocampo, Alicia Gariador, Micaela Saracco and Paulina Vasquetto.
2 to 4: Dominique Laulhé.
2 to 3: Juana Borthaburu, Fátima Galván, Magdalena Lazzarino and Virginia Rinaudo.
1 to 2: Jacinta Borthaburu, Valentina Bravo, Luisa Goti, Teresa Santillán, Catalina Tomasevich and Serena Uranga.
0 to 2: Martina Braun.
0 to 1: Olivia Bogo, Ludmila Brizuela, Justina Condomí Alcorta, Huilén Domínguez, Lupita González and Megan Manubay.
10 a.m. to 9 a.m.: Nina Clarkin.
8 to 7: Milagros Fernández Araujo.
4 to 3: Clelia Crespo, Jemina Heffron, Olivia Merlos and Olivia Reynolds.
1 to 0: Claudia Pistarini.
Finally, it was decided to modify the valuation of 21 amateur players, of which 8 correspond to increases and 13 to decreases.
The complete list of increases and decreases of Amateur Polo is as follows:
7 to 8: Sebastián Montalambert and Santiago Pando.
6 to 7: Federico Guardo and Lucas Moretti.
5 to 6: Carlos Cárcano.
4 to 5: Pablo Falbo and Alejandro O’Reilly.
3 to 4: Patricio Amespil.