2019 USPA Tournament Prize Money Matching Program

Criteria for 2019 USPA Tournament Prize Money Matching Program

  • Must be a USPA Active Member Club.
  • Must adhere to all USP A Rules.
  • USPA Certified or Professional Umpires are required pursuant to USPA 2019 TournamentConditions and Umpire Guide
  • Funds are available for “USP A Events” as defined in the 2019 USP A T ournament Conditions.
  • Circuit funding regulations:

o $75,000 maximum funding for circuits with 20 or more clubs

o $50,000 maximum funding for circuits with 10-19 clubs

o $25,000 maximum for circuits with 1-9 clubs

  • Preference will be given to tournaments at 12-goal level and below.
  • Events above the 12-goal level will be subject to excess funds as available.
  • For USPA national and circuit events, the club must provide proof of a minimum of four teams inbracket format.
  • For USPA sanctioned events, the club must provide proof of a minimum of six teams in bracketformat.
  • For single elimination, all tournaments must provide proof of a minimum of eight teams.
  • Maximum of $25,000 available per club.

o $12,500 maximum for tournaments with less than six teams.

o $25,000 maximum for tournaments with six or more teams.

  • Once application is approved, club will establish an escrow account to use for prize money only.When the USPA has confirmation of the club’s funds deposited into the account, they will transfer

    the matching funds to be paid out as outlined in application.

  • For the winter and spring club seasons, applications will be accepted immediately. The decisionon funding will be made on or before February 15, 2019. For summer clubs, applications are due March 15, 2019. The decision on funding will be made on or before April 15, 2019. For fall clubs, applications are due on July 15, 2019. The decision on funding will be made on or before August 15, 2019.
  • The USPA will adhere to the set Board Approved Budget for the awarding and funding in any given year.

o The USPA will not award more than is budgeted and will not allow roll forwards unless weather is the only factor that may delay a tournament.

Guidelines for 2019 USPA Tournament Prize Money Matching Program

  • Club should submit an outline for use of funds to carlucho@uspolo.org to be approved by the below committee.
  • Arena leagues that create participation from members across clubs/circuits are encouraged to apply for discretionary funds.Prize Money Committee:
    Tournament Committee Chairman-Michael Carney
    Two Tournament Committee Members-Daniel Walker & Stewart ArmstrongExecutive Director of Services-Carlucho Arellano
    Tournament Manager-TBD (interim, Lindsey Ebersbach)
    Chief Executive Officer-Bob Puetz will have final approval of all awards.