News Items

Year of the Tiger Tournament
The Chinese New Year for 2010 is February 14 and is highly regarded by Sr Gian Franco Brignone, founder of Careyes, Mexico

Along the Sideboards
Along the Sideboards, coverage of polo activities in the Wellington, Florida area.

U.S. Polo Association’s Team USA Competed in First Official Event
The USPA 2010 Team USA Program officially kicked off last weekend, February 13-15, at the International Polo Club Palm Beach

Along the Sidebords
News from south Florida’s polo season

James Ashton

John goodman involved in fatal car accident
John Goodman, the owner of the International Polo Club was involved in a fatal car crash in Wellington, Florida resulting in the death of a 23-year-old driver

Jamie Bruce
Sir Hervey James (Jamie) Hugh Bruce-Clifton passed away peacefully at his home in South Africa on the 9th February 2010

Willian T. Ylvisker
William “Bill” T. Ylvisaker was a visionary business leader and a lifelong polo enthusiast whose dedication to each led to many accomplishments, both on and off the field.

Along the Sideboards
Along the Sideboards-February 1, 2010, happenings in South Florida, the International Polo Club in Wellington, Florida