May 14th, 2024
The world of British polo last night witnessed the inauguration of the Standing Rock Fair Play Award, a distinguished accolade born out of the visionary initiative of Standing Rock Polo Team and their patron, Swiss polo player Philipp Mueller, in collaboration with the Hurlingham Polo Association (HPA).
Ojo Caliente Polo Team, renowned for their commitment to sportsmanship and fair play, has been honoured as the inaugural recipient of the Standing Rock Fair Play Award. This esteemed accolade was handed over yesterday evening at the HPA’s Victor Ludorum Dinner, marking an historic moment within the British polo community.
The inception of the Standing Rock Fair Play Award marks a significant milestone in the realm of sportsmanship and fair play within the polo community. Embodying the values of camaraderie, respect, and dedication to equine welfare, this award seeks to honour the team that exemplifies the highest standards of conduct both on and off the field.The award will be bestowed annually, this year during the Victor Ludorum awards dinner, a celebrated event within the British polo calendar. As part of the Victor Ludorum Series, umpires meticulously evaluate teams throughout the season based on a predefined set of criteria established collaboratively by the HPA and Standing Rock. These criteria encompass elements such as sportsmanship, respect for umpires and goal judges, friendliness, equine welfare, and disciplinary records.
The Standing Rock Fair Play Award recognises the team that not only excels in their athletic prowess but also exemplifies the values of fair play and integrity that are central to the ethos of polo.
Philipp Müller, along with his Standing Rock Polo Team, are committed to upholding the principles of fairness, honour, and camaraderie to serve as an inspiration to polo enthusiasts worldwide.
The Standing Rock Fair Play Award, a symbol of excellence and sportsmanship, will be commemorated through a unique and singular bronze sculpture crafted with utmost dedication by the renowned sculptor Emma Mac Dermott. This exclusive trophy, intended for perpetual circulation and engraving of winners’ names, represents a tangible embodiment of the values espoused by the Standing Rock Fair Play Award.